Friday, March 29, 2024

Literature Review : Quality of Life in Palliative Care

Quality of Life in Palliative Care: A Literature Review

Quality of Life in Palliative Care: A Literature Review

This literature review explores various facets of quality of life in palliative care, underscoring the multidimensional nature of care necessary for patients facing serious illnesses.

Literature Review : Quality of Life in Palliative Care

Author(s) & Year Focus Area Key Findings Interventions/Measures Used Factors Affecting QoL
Connor, 2009 Palliative Care Overview Quality of life is a central goal; emphasis on well-being. N/A N/A
Hui et al., 2014 Multidimensional QoL Importance of addressing psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Multidimensional assessments. Psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual dimensions
Gomes & Higginson, 2006 Measuring QoL Stress on patient-centered tools that are valid and reliable. FACIT-PAL, EORTC QLQ, McGill QoL Questionnaire, Palliative Care Outcome Scale Symptom burden, psychological distress, social support
Higginson & Costantini, 2008 Physical Well-being Effective management of symptoms like pain is crucial. Pain and symptom management interventions. Symptom burden
Harding et al., 2012 Psychological and Spiritual Well-being Addressing anxiety, depression, and spiritual well-being is essential. Psychosocial and spiritual support interventions. Depression, anxiety, existential concerns
Boston et al., 2011 Spiritual/Existential Concerns Existential and spiritual struggles need addressing. Spiritual support interventions. Existential and spiritual struggles
Selman et al., 2017 Social Support and Psychosocial Support Strong social networks and practical assistance are beneficial. Practical and social support, counseling, support groups. Social support, psychological distress
Smith et al., 2014 Evidence on QoL Interventions Improved pain control and symptom relief contribute to enhanced QoL. Symptom management studies. Symptom burden
Brazil et al., 2021; Hudson et al., 2010 Family Caregivers Family caregivers play a crucial role in enhancing QoL. Education and training for caregivers, psychosocial support, bereavement support. Caregiver burden, physical and emotional strain, social impacts


Through a comprehensive examination of the literature, this review highlights the complex interplay of factors influencing quality of life in palliative care, reinforcing the need for holistic approaches that address both the physical and psychosocial aspects of patient care.